Five Landscapes

Five monochrome landscape images, taken in the Italian alps.

Val Gerola
Val Fraina
Val Sassina
San Grato

These were shot using a Leica Q2 Monochrom and various colour-contrast and polarising filters. The Q2M is a monochrome-only compact camera with a fixed 28mm lens which was bought to replace an ageing Ricoh GR for travel where carrying film is no longer practical. The Q2M has the advantage of a built-in EVF, and shooting with the monochrome sensor is essentially the same process as for shooting with black and white film, only without the chemicals.

Compositionally, I found the Q2M quite challenging to use for landscapes. This is partly due to a lack of practice, and partly because the wide focal length and lack of colour discrimination make excluding elements difficult. Skies were particularly difficult as there were frequently complex cloud patterns that added distractions from the foreground scene. Despite intending to use the classic combination of a deep-red filter with a polariser to render the skies black, in practise simply burning out the sky with a brighter exposure was a better option.


  1. Very nice work, Mark! Ah, the Q2M … Were I to buy another Leica (beyond the M4-2 and CL which I have now), that’s the one that’s been appealing to me. Who knows? I’m getting ready for another big equipment curating exercise, selling off all the stuff I’m not using, and maybe then there’s space for one of those in the closet. đŸ˜‡

    • Thanks Godfrey. I have been doing something of the same, reducing equipment down to the minimum that I need. I shot all of August only with the Q2M, and it was refreshing not to have to think about changing lenses and to be able to focus on B&W only.

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