Data Protection

Advertising is one the biggest problems with the internet.

It distorts content to drive clicks on commercial links, which in turn gather any and all personal information that can be exploited for money. The abuse of this information is one of the indirect causes of many of the social and political issues that we document, and one of the most significant problems for society in the 21st century.

Accordingly, Transient Eye is explicitly a non-commercial site and intentionally minimises tracking and advertising. Transient Eye explicitly contains neither advertising nor affiliate links.

However, be aware that our web-host and content management system ( may gather information necessary for the function of site features such as the comment system or notifications for new posts by email. You can find more information on WordPress/Automattic’s data collection and privacy at

If you have any specific questions or wish to access/delete any personal data that is stored, you can use the following contacts:

Transient Eye:
